Building Real-World Cloud Apps

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Revolutionizing Ophthalmic

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Our Key Services for Every Customer

Web Application
.Net Development
Optirise is an ASP.NET Development Company offering powerful ASP.Net application development solutions utilizing the Microsoft .NET stage. On the off chance that you are searching for a ground-breaking, mobile and exceptionally utilitarian programming plan that utilizes
Business Strategic Solutions
Blockchain Development
We create distributed ledger technology including custom cryptocurrencies, singular hubs, hash calculations, and models for open and private blockchains. Our blockchain development includes Proof of Work, Steak and Concept models, which dispose of twofold spending mistakes and the requirement for outdated third parties.
Mobile Apps
Native IOS Apps
Utilizing the capability of our iOS developers in both Objective C and Swift, we offer an assortment of iOS application development answers to meet an assortment of your mobile application development necessities. From checking mobile applications progressively to expanding accessibility and decreasing generally time spent on keeping an application running
Design Services
UI/UX Design
Optirise is the best UI/UX services supplier in India and USA represent considerable authority in handcrafting delightful UI/UX structures that meet our customer’s vision and objectives. For us, conveying remarkable UX goes past being client focused; it is for the most part about being content-driven.
Quality Assurance Services
Manual QA Testing
Organizations are putting extraordinary significance on cost enhancement and apportioning an expanded financial plan for quality affirmation and programming testing. Measuring the nature of programming is fundamental before driving it into the creation pipeline. Manual testing gives a solid and precise method for recognizing defects in a product application.

Stage Strategy for Every Customer

IVR(Interactive Voice Recording)
Better customer service and improved staff productivity are two important goals that OptiRise can help you achieve through our API-driven technology that allows patients/customers to check their order status, appointment schedules, outstanding bills, etc. by simply reaching out to our IVR services through their mobile phones. Access any information you need at any place and any time of the day.
Target Marketing
If you’re trying to talk to everybody, you’re going to have a difficult time reaching anybody. Vague and generic messages are far less likely to resonate with audiences than specific, direct communication – which is why targeting in marketing is so important.
Realtime Insurance Eligibility Check
Patients with Insurance Cards can avail the facility of using insurance for paying their bills when buying optical appliances from online stores. OptiRise helps save time and verify insurance eligibility by looking up valid policies automatically by choosing the insurance carriers and filling in details like patients’ subscriber IDs. This feature is the solution to prevent human error as well as denials.
Online Scheduling
Provide patients with the facility of online booking appointments from anywhere and at any time with automated confirmation. Make the process more accessible by providing a platform to check on scheduled appointments, reschedule, or cancel them.
Patient Portal
Monitor patients’ medical records of prior tests and check-ups with synced appointments to selected stores/hospitals. Allow easy communication between healthcare providers and patients through instant or group messaging. Look for previous prescriptions for the patients at any point. Prior optical purchases, current order status, and outstanding bill payments can also be checked here.
Connect with us
+1 888 666 7140

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